While never an easy decision, filing bankruptcy can provide immediate assistance to those struggling to pay their debts. A long, sometimes complicated process, filing bankruptcy should never be the first solution to manage debt, but can provide a way to start over, free from overwhelming debt. *This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information provided is not written or intended as tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for purposes of avoiding any Federal tax penalties. Even with a thriving economy, many Americans continually struggle to save money. While it’s certainly tempting to spend that extra cash, socking it away for the future in an IRA or investing in stocks makes much more sense. Try out a few of these tips, and you may find yourself with extra money to put aside for college or retirement. As we draw closer to the last quarter of 2018, Americans are starting to think more about the changes to the U.S. tax code. Though the tax code has been tweaked in recent years, it’s been 27 years since the last major revision that took place under President Reagan. Here are the answers to some of the most common investment questions you’ve always wanted to ask. Giving money to philanthropic causes is important to many of us. Year end giving in particular is popular with both donors and charitable organizations. The most common way to give money for most people is to simply write a check or put a donation on a credit card. The charity then typically sends us a receipt for our donation, and everyone is happy. Not so fast.Tolerate the Turbulence
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on October 25th, 2018
Investing Means Tolerating Some Risk
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on October 18th, 2018
Bankruptcy Basics
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on October 11th, 2018
Video: Real Estate Investing for the Beginner
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on October 4th, 2018
Top 7 Ways to Save Money
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on September 27th, 2018
2018 Tax Changes You Need to Know
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on September 20th, 2018
Investment FAQs
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on September 13th, 2018
Retirement Concerns Too Often Overlooked
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on September 6th, 2018
All Donations Are Not Created Equal
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on August 30th, 2018