Charitable Giving: How Your Gift Gives Back in Tax Deductions
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on July 30th, 2020There’s no doubt that it feels great to help someone in need through charitable giving. There are more than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations in the United States that range from food banks and disaster relief centers to churches and cultural centers. And in 2018, Americans contributed over 4 billion dollars to charitable organizations.
8 Important Details About Early Retirement Plan Rollovers
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on July 16th, 2020You’re probably aware that there are many options for retirement planning including 401(k)s, IRAs, Roth IRAs, and more. Some of the more common plans are employer-sponsored ones like 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and 457(b)s.
3 Reasons Why a Financial Professional is Better than the Do-It-Yourself Approach
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on July 9th, 2020When it comes to managing your personal finances, paying someone else to decide where to put your money may feel counter-intuitive. After all, who knows and understands your financial needs and goals better than you? Well, the truth is that a financial professional is far better suited to the task.
What Determines Car Insurance Rates?
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on July 2nd, 2020Establishing Good Credit in College
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on June 18th, 20205 Year-End Tax Planning Opportunities for the Savvy Investor
Submitted by Sims Investment Management, LLC on June 11th, 2020Following a solid tax planning strategy throughout the year is an integral part of any financial plan, but there are special considerations to make as the year comes to a close that can help maximize your refund or minimize your liability.
Are you taking advantage of the following tax-saving strategies with your return?